That's how we want you to feel when you step through the doors of Buechel. We’re so glad you want to know more about our church. Whether you were born and raised in Louisville or only been in the United States a few days, you are welcome here. Whether you speak English, or numerous other languages, you are welcome at Buechel. Whether you grew up in church, or have never been to one before – we’re so glad to meet you, and cannot wait to invite into our diverse, welcoming community, where we do life together as we seek to live like Jesus.
Let's take a closer look at the who, what, when, where and why of Buechel...
Buechel is made up of people from every walk of life... people of all ages, races, languages and nationalities... new believers, seekers with questions, and lifelong believers (also with questions!)... people with dreams, with hurts, with passions... single people, married people, family people... people just like you! We are a community seeking to follow our Lord Jesus Christ in the midst of our ordinary and not-so-ordinary lives. No matter who you are, where you're from, or what you've done, you are welcome here!
With such a diverse group of people, you'll also find great diversity in how we worship, what we wear, and how we serve one another and the community around us. Our main Sunday service is in English, with translation in Swahili, but throughout the week, we worship in 4 different languages, also including Spanish. You'll find everything from jeans and sweatshirts to people in their "Sunday best" from around the world, so come however you're comfortable.
Our worship expresses itself in a variety of styles as well, with a mix of contemporary praise songs, traditional hymns, and anthems from our English and Swahili choirs. Each Sunday, we share communion together with an open table, which means everyone is welcome! Come check out Buechel for yourself, and maybe even bring a friend along too!
6 pm - Worship (Spanish) in the Sanctuary
Sunday (Main Campus):
10:30 am - Worship (English) in the Sanctuary
(interpretation in Swahili/tafsiri katika swahili) (Interpretacion en Espanol)
2:00 pm - Worship (Burmese) in the Chapel
Wednesday (Main Campus):
6:00 pm - Wednesday Night Live (Bible Study, Children's + Youth activities, Choir - dinner provided)
Visit us at our main campus on 2817 Hikes Lane Louisville, KY 40218.
Scroll down to find a map or click here for directions.
Need transportation?
Our congregation seeks to live out our mission by being, as Jesus dreamed, a house of prayer for all people.
We strive to be a spiritually alive and intentionally multicultural community, representing a diverse mission and Spirit-driven community.