Children's Ministry
We love our kids! They're a huge part of our church - both in the attention and care we give them and because some days they literally make up almost half of our congregation! Our children give joy and energy to our church and often participate in worship through singing songs, and participating in the children's blessing.
Our childcare staff are eager and ready to care for your kids in our nursery and Children's Church every week, and are trained and vetted to ensure the safety and best experience possible for your children. Stop by and talk to one of our staff or volunteers this Sunday to learn more!
Our nursery for ages 0 - 3 is available during Sunday School and during our 10:30 am worship on Sunday mornings.
Children's Church
Children ages 4 - 3rd grade are invited to Children's Church after our Blessing of the Children time during our 10:30 am worship on Sundays.
Saturday Kids
During our Saturday Choir Practice, Saturdays from 10:30-12:30, we host a children's program for ages 2-12. Kids enjoy arts and crafts, along with creative play time, Bible stories and songs.
Special Events
Throughout the year, we host special events for our children and families. Be sure to check our Coming Events Page for upcoming activities.
Youth in grades 6-12, get together with other teens and build friendships, grow spiritually, serve your community, and have a lot of fun! See what our youth group is all about on Sunday from 10:30 - 12:00 pm
Also join us for a free meal on Wednesday Nights at 6:15 (there's always dessert too) and then stay for a small group that's geared just for you.
This isn't just a group where you sit and listen. Be ready to engage your faith, go on trips, reach out to the community and more! Our youth group gets out and serves the homeless every other month, goes to camp, has movie nights, goes to Winter Blitz, hosts lock-ins with other nearby churches, and plans service projects as a group. For more information email Sheryl Brinley.